Expertise must start from the top

Today’s markets are more complex and nuanced than ever before. CEOs cannot succeed where Board’s fail. Expertise must start from the tone at the top.

Today The Phillips Group’s clients are venturing into new geographies, new product categories, new services, they are digitising, and they are transforming. All of these changes require new skills and specialised talent at Board level.

For clients who are looking to develop a sustainable competitive advantage and increase revenue, The Phillips Group Board Services can help you assess, select and align boards with a view of increasing profitability and top line revenue growth. The Phillips Group Board services include the following;


Today’s most successful enterprises have leaders that can simultaneously transform the business, while driving performance.

The Phillips Group has helped thousands of organisations recruit and develop their leaders. The Phillips Group’s clients trust its board consultants because they know what it takes to lead. The Phillips Group works with you to build diverse boards and optimise the expertise and voices of all directors into a cohesive and high performing team. The Phillips Group helps you build an effective bench of talent ready to strengthen your organisation from the inside out. The result? A high performing senior team and a leadership that ensures your board is future focused and consequently ready for whatever lies ahead.

How The Phillips Group can help

Your organisation is unique in the way it operates, the challenges it faces and the milestones it aims to achieve. When selecting new board members for your organisation, all these things need to be taken into consideration.

Board Search & Selection

If you are looking to open new markets, launch into new segments, get involved in new technologies, often a few savvy board members can open the doors you need to take your business to the next level.

Board Assessment & Alignment

Vision is the touchstone of long-term sustainable success. Having a board that is aligned with the vision of the organisation is the first step to creating a high-performance team.

CEO Succession Planning

What are the capabilities you need to compete five and ten years from now? This is a fundamental question the board must answer. Quintessential to its answer is what kind of CEO does the future of your company require?


Cyril Godet, Head of Legal Expertise & Alliances at DilliTrust - AI Puts Sustainability and Responsible Governance at the Heart of the Board Agenda
Mak Yuen Teen, Professor of Accounting at the National University of Singapore (NUS) - Independent Directors need to be trained with skills needed for the Future Boardroom
Chris Hodge, Advisor for Governance Perspectives Ltd - Sustainability & Corporate Governance are driving Boardrooms today
Karina Litvack, Non-Executive Director at Terna S.p.A. - Technology transfer can help skip fossil fuels to cleaner & renewable energy
Sandra Guerra, Board Director & Founding Partner of Better Governance - Some Boards are more sincere about ESG than others
Susan Stenson, Chief Executive Officer of Independent Audit Limited - Sustainability Expertise' is a must-have for Boards today
Mazen Dalati, Board Member of the Canadian Business Council of Dubai & the Northern Emirates - The Corporate Governance Framework can define the identity of an organization for the Board Member
Nadia Boumeziout, Head of Sustainability and Information Governance for Zurich Insurance Group - Climate Risk is now a part of an Organization's Risk Management Framework
Asma Said, Chief Operating Officer at GWS Trust Company - DIFC is an excellent choice for foreigners looking to establish a business in the UAE
Charbel Azzi, Managing Director of S&P Dow Jones Indices - There is a growing interest in ESG indexes in the region
Dr. Waddah Ghanem, Chairman of Platform for Connected Leadership (PCL) - Board members in the region are more aware of ESG than ever before
Prof Steyn Heckroodt, Chief Thought Leader of Platform for Connected Leadership (PCL) - All change decisions must be driven from the top down
Séverine Neervoort, Global Policy Director at ICGN - Financial statements must incorporate considerations related to climate
Fadi Hammadeh – Corporate Governance in a Family Office Part 1:
Fadi Hammadeh – Corporate Governance in a Family Office Part 2:
Vanessa Eastham - Fisk Board Governance and its Evolution in the Middle East:
Mr. Simon Osborne CEO of ICSA - The Qualities Required of Board Members:
Mr. Robert Bush, Mrs. Rima Al Masri COO at Mumtalakat - Corp Governance at the Holding Level:
Paras Shahdadpuri Founder of Nikai and Dubai Business Guru:
Your organisation is unique in the way it operates, the challenges it faces and the milestones it aims to achieve. When selecting new board members for your organisation, all these things need to be taken into consideration.
The Phillips Group’s experienced consultants start by first understanding your business as a whole: how it works, the products and services, future milestones, the industry you’re operating in and how you can generate more net profit.
Armed with this knowledge, The Phillips Group team will identify five to eight critical success factors for the role in order to achieve the organisation’s vision and strategy. Most importantly, what critical success factors are necessary to grow your net profit. This will become the guide The Phillips Group will use to identifying the best candidate to lead your organisation and direct the questions it asks them.
If you are looking to open new markets, launch into new segments, get involved in new technologies, often a few savvy board members can open the doors you need to take your business to the next level. In a world where innovation trumps tradition The Phillips Group’s clients are demanding younger, more hands-on, board members who are actively participating in the value creation process. The Phillips Group can help you acquire the game changing talent you need at the most senior levels in your company.
Vision is the touchstone of long-term sustainable success. Having a board that is aligned with the vision of the organisation is the first step to creating a high-performance team. Ensuring resources are allocated efficiently and departments are moving in seamless concert with one another starts with an aligned, and focused board.
The Phillips Group’s assessment process starts with vision and is underpinned by ensuring your board has the right capabilities to champion the growth of your organisation in the future. Understanding what the biggest opportunities you need to capitalise on are, and what are the existential risks you need to mitigate, coupled with where you want to be ten years from now, acts as the foundation of The Phillips Group’s board assessments.
The Phillips Group will provide you with a gap analysis against your existing; vision, strategy, biggest opportunities, biggest risks and development areas and The Phillips Group recommendation of what skills, experiences, and capabilities you may want to add to your board in order to realise your vision or mitigate any existential risks.
What are the capabilities you need to compete five and ten years from now? This is a fundamental question the board must answer. Quintessential to its answer is what kind of CEO does the future of your company require? Are you able to develop this talent internally? Will you find stronger talent externally? The Phillips Group’s experienced consultants can help you get ahead of the most important question in your company which is “Who is your future CEO?”
CEO Assessment & Selection is only a small part of a larger strategy of CEO succession planning. Boards who lead this activity with vigour will ensure the sustainability of their companies, Boards who leave this activity unattended to will run the risk of being held hostage by an underperforming CEO who has no replacement and as such is difficult to remove.
The Phillips Group believes that the strongest strategic position for a company to assume is to shift from a creator of products or services to a creator of leadership. When your leadership is the touchstone of your brand, your competitors will be on the back foot as they struggle to keep pace.
CEO Succession Planning is one of the most important functions of your Board and our team can help you lead a comprehensive exercise which includes identification of internal and external candidates as well as suggesting a development plan for your internal talent.